Gordon Burns & Associates specializes in highly successful residential, commercial and institutional projects. We are focused on one objective: to succeed at your project. We like our work and have fun doing it. As a result, we have long-standing client relationships built on quality services and trust, and they fuel our efforts.

Seastar, 12 Odessa Street, Seaside, FL

The Studio in Winter, Atlanta, GA
Ask our clients. We analyze quickly and get right to the point and the solution. At the same time, we look at all of the possibilities. We are creative and open to new ideas. We search and discover the personality and drive of each individual project.
Based in Atlanta, we can also work onsite or in your offices if it contributes to the team effort. That gives us immediate response time, hands on management of resources, and a focus on your project’s success as a part of your team.
Great clients get great work. We work with only a few clients at a time. Too many projects stretch the resources too thin, and compromise the best efforts of our top people. We pick our clients and projects as carefully as you pick your architect.

The 30-story Twin Towers Place, Peoria, IL
Staked in your success. Gordon Burns brings more than 25 years experience to the management of your project. GB&A orchestrates a wide range of resources, selecting the most appropriate experts and professionals for each part of your project at the optimum point in time.
This way, our structure is tailored to the needs of the project, not the other way around. It’s the most efficient and effective way to deliver the highest quality services at the lowest possible cost.